Media Element Results - RAT

<audio> without controls

<audio src="">

An <audio> without controls is not announced in any browser. This is expected per HTML: Embedded content: User interface, which states;

This user interface should include features to begin playback, pause playback, seek to an arbitrary position in the content (if the content supports arbitrary seeking), change the volume, change the display of closed captions or embedded sign-language tracks, select different audio tracks or turn on audio descriptions, and show the media content in manners more suitable to the user (e.g., fullscreen video or in an independent resizable window). Other controls may also be made available.

<audio> with controls

<audio src="" controls>

How it’s announced by Narrator:

Narrator announces space and M because they are keyboard controls to play or pause the audio, and to mute or unmute the audio.

Narrator announces the slash in phrases like time elapsed / skip back.

How it’s announced by JAWS:

JAWS curiously announces period and semicolon, yet they are not keyboard controls. JAWS announces M because it is a keyboard control to mute or unmute the audio.

How it’s announced by VoiceOver:

VoiceOver announces the current and remaining time as zero, zero zero and slash, seven, twenty-nine.

VoiceOver navigation cannot access volume controls. However, volume controls may be tabbed into, and then they are announced as 1, audio control, where 1 is the audio volume on a scale of 0 to 1.

<video> without controls

<video src="">

A <video> without controls is not announced by Narrator or JAWS. This is probably expected per HTML: Embedded content: User interface.

How it’s announced in VoiceOver:

VoiceOver curiously announces <video src=""> as two toolbars with no content inside of them.

<video> with controls

<video src="" controls>

How it’s announced in Narrator:

Narrator announces space and M because they are keyboard controls to play or pause the video, and to mute or unmute the audio.

Narrator announces the slash in phrases like time elapsed / skip back.

How it’s announced in JAWS:

JAWS curiously announces period and semicolon, yet they are not keyboard controls. JAWS announces M because it is a keyboard control to mute or unmute the audio.

How it’s announced in VoiceOver:

VoiceOver curious announces the video canvas as a toolbar with no content inside of it.

VoiceOver announces the current and remaining time as zero, zero zero and slash, seven, twenty-nine.

VoiceOver navigation cannot access volume controls. However, volume controls may be tabbed into, and then they are announced as 1, audio control, where 1 is the audio volume on a scale of 0 to 1.

VoiceOver loses access to controls after they visually disappear upon entering fullscreen.